Lessons resume at the beginning of the school year.
July 31 – Summer Festival. Congratulations to the participants!
October 10: Private enagement with Accordion Trio.
October 12: Houston Highland Games, playing harp and accordion with Sia Beaton. Student Wolf Pickus will also play some Scottish music. Our show is early: 9:30 am.
October 20: Milwaukee Trip
November 9: Harp Journeys with Kimberly
Stay Tuned for Winter Solstice concert information with Sia Beaton.
Welcome to the 2023-24 Music Lesson Year!
This year we’ll have regular weekly lessons (except holidays) September through April. Lessons from May – August are optional. (Those of you with very busy months may take off during May due to the many conflicts we have seen with state testing.)
Planned Schedule
March 3: MAPTA auditions (in person and video with selected pieces from a list)
April: Recital (play your favorite piece) in person in Houston with out-of-state participants on video.
August: Video Festival (choose any pieces you like)
The calendar below doesn’t include most of my adult students. But from this, you can see the openings and time slots.
2022-2023 Past Activities
ALL STUDENTS – please submit your video to me by October 20 for the Halloween Virtual Recital. Any piece you are comfortable with. Costumes optional. Release Date: October 31 via unlisted YouTube.
November 12, 2022 Final day to accept videos for the November Student Recital: Let’s Dance! sponsored by MAPTA. Not the same recital as above.
November 20, 2022 Premier Day for the student recital of “Let’s Dance!” on MAPTA YouTube Channel (all online students invited!)
March 5, 2023 Honors & Trophy Track Auditions (Milwaukee only)
March 19,2023 (Milwaukee only)
Junior Honors Recital & Honors Recitals at Mount Mary University
Publication Contest (Houston Area) Jan 6, 2023
Spring Master Class (Houston Area) TBD $10
Piano Contest (Houston) March 4, 2023
Piano Auditions (Milwaukee) March 5, 2023
Spring Festival (Houston Area) TBD $15